Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 1: Closure

1. The main thing that I learned from the reading this week was the idea of having your attitude as the tone that sets the atmosphere for the whole classroom. Today while we were in orientation, the quote about "middle schoolers being like sharks when there is blood in the water" made me think back to this. Although the quote was in reference to a teacher being nervous, I think it is also true if a teacher's attitude is poor even if it is for a short time. These young adolescents can pick up on this and it can rub off on them or worse instigate them to add to your reason for having a bad attitude in the first place. On the other hand, having a positive and encouraging attitude can be just as contagious and this is the type of attitude I think we should all strive for in our classes here and our future classrooms.
2. My question for the week and it goes along with the topic of attitude: What happens if you, as a teacher, always bring a positive attitude into the classroom but there is a student whose negative attitude seems to affect the class? What is the best way to handle that?
3. I am very excited to get to understand the growing mind of a young adolescent. This time can be so hard for that age group and I want to learn as much as I can to be able to teach them to the best of my ability.

1 comment:

  1. You are correct. Middle school students are very perceptive and pick up on the attitudes/feelings of their teachers. This has a significant impact on student development (in all areas). Students know when we care and when we do not. Not demonstrating the appropriate level of care and respect will impact their world and yours.

    Unfortunately, one student can play a very detrimental role in the classroom environment. You essentially have to become like "House" from TV - you have to diagnose the issues that the student is bringing into the classroom. "Middle level folks" believe that team teaching is essential to effective middle schools. If you have a teaching team, often it is beneficial to speak with other teachers who also have that student.
