Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 3: Closure Continued

Diversity and socioeconomic status is something that each teacher needs to understand and be prepared to face. It seems hard sometimes to relate to people who are different or come from a different background than you. The chart laid out a pretty clear difference between the social classes and for the most part I agree with what is listed. However, I think the problem comes when you have students who fall in between two of theses "clear cut" groups. I do agree with the suggestions given for managing behaviors of those with generational poverty. I think it can be hard to treat each student fairly when they all come from such different backgrounds but I think it is so important! Not only should teachers encourage their students and make the classroom a great place but they should also remember that each student brings something different to the table that could be beneficial for someone else. Also, teachers need to be sensitive to the fact that many of the problems they face with students are not just the student acting out but that they could be a result of the environment in which they have been raised.


  1. Elizabeth,

    I agree with your post. Teachers definitely need to take into account the environment that a student is coming from in reference to behavior. We should encourage them and make our classroom environment a positive place so that no matter what socioeconomic background you come from, you feel as though you can succeed just as much someone else.

  2. The chart is like many things you will encounter in education. They are guidelines that give you a good starting point, but you have to take into account individual differences.

    You bring up something important about the contributions students bring to the table...what you are referring to is sometimes called "Funds of Knowledge".

    With regard to behavior and what students bring from home...this too is true. However, another issue that I have begun to understand more about is the role of how discipline is handled in schools. With teaching at grades 4-8, how teachers and schools in grades K-3 have dealt with student behavior will have an impact on your classroom management. Understanding this, and finding out what has come before you will provide you with useful information as you learn to manage your classroom.
